Overburden removal , mining A1,A2,A3 layers & Screening A2 layers in dragline Eshidya
Location of Project : Eshidya Mine
Client : Jordanian Phosphate Company (JPMC)
Awarded date of Project : 4-2018
Quantities of Project :
Overburden Removal (OB ) quantities = 22.5 Million BCM
Mining Phosphate (A1 , A3 ) quantities 3.8 Million BCM ( Storage )
Inter waste (IW1 , IW2 ) removal quantities = 2.97 Million BCM
Mining Phosphate (A2) quantities = 1.66 Million BCM
Screening & Crushing (A2) quantities = 2.14 Million ton
Completion = 100 %
Scope of Work:
Overburden & Internal waste Removal using excavator & wheal loader and transport the OB to the waste yards and cleaning with dozing.
Phosphate Mining layers A1 & A2 & A3 Cleaning by graders and dozers.
Transportation using dump truck to screen unit (A2).
Crushing & Screening A2 Quantities
Operate (closed vibrating plant system) which high by max. the yield and min. rejection.
Feeding 50cm hopper by wheel loaders & dump trucks
Classification / separation of materials by grizzly
Crushing & sizing the materials to pass 100% of -6mm & -4mm
All materials handled by conveyor belts
Transport product to banker then go to stacker then dispatching
Mixing & blending the product to get the required homogenous
Hauling the oversize (reject) material to waste yards (Stockpiles) and dozing
All productivity maintenance activities of conveyor belts and vibrating screens plants performed by in house team.

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